Numeric keyboard doesn't work in XP

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by nanwat, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. nanwat

    nanwat Member

    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Numeric keys (far right on Mac keyboard) don't work in windows applications whether or not Caps lock is on or off. PC support referred to the "Nums Lock " being on or hitting the number 7 twice. I tried it in two apps without success.

    I could only use the numbers on the top row of the main keyboard successfully. As I do a lot of data entry I HAVE to be able to use the keys on the far right . Do macs have a number lock key ? I didn't dare mention I was using a Mac or they would have told me the usual whereby they immediately say it is mac issue not their problem.

    I searched the boards for a previous thread about this but could find none so am I the only one ?
  2. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    try to use the number lock key which on the mac keyboard, is directly above the number 7 on the numeric keypad.
  3. nanwat

    nanwat Member

    thanks so much darkone.I would love to try it right now but simply must get to bed . I presume it must be going to work so I am actually very relieved. I've covered a lot of ground today so must surely be almost ready to start using my recently installed windows apps. a lot of work lies ahead yet . I can't beleive how time consuming it is being on this formum and seeking information but you are so helpful . Thank goodness there are some people out there that don't mind problem solving as I don't even know which one is the num key . tragic ....Most appreciated.

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