Noob Question re Multiple displays

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by A. Person, May 27, 2022.

  1. A. Person

    A. Person Bit poster


    I've read the support article on using multiple screens, but I wondered if anyone could offer advice on whether Parallels 17 can do what I want to do, as I've never really done the virtualising thing.

    I have a High Sierra Mac with multiple displays - main screen 27" landscape, flanked by 24" portrait displays on left and right (Think of a capital H). The system is set to use a single space for all displays, so only one menubar, on the middle screen. One wrinkle, is I'm using SwitchResX to create custom scaled resolutions for the 24" screens, so they match the higher DPI of the 27" screen (so windows tiled across the screens match up across the bezels).

    Can I set parallels up, so that I can run legacy versions of macOS (for legacy apps), where the virtualised environment is a space on its own in Mission Control, that uses all 3 displays as a single space, the way my host macOS does? I know when I put Affinity Photo in its own space, and then set it to full screen, the desktop background goes to black and AP's main window fills the main screen & hides the menuar, but the palettes on the side monitors stay in the same places - would Parallels behave similarly, so that when I swap to that space, it would just be like I was on a normal non-full-screen space, but the menubar would look like an older version of macOS menubar?

    Would I need to set up all that custom SwitchResX stuff in the guest macOS as well, or is the guest OS furnished with whatever the Host OS screens settings are?

    If Full Screen Mode won't work, would Coherence Mode, which AFAIK makes the guest OS transparent, and you just interact with the apps running in the guest OS (is that right?) be the solution? Again, in that case, how do the custom screen resolutions come down to the guest OS apps etc?


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