No incoming mail - outgoing works

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Phg1938, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. Phg1938

    Phg1938 Bit poster

    Hi -

    When in my VM and running Outlook Express, I am able to send mail (one messgae only) and am unable to rceive mail. I have tried, as best I can, to duplicate my e-mail setting from Mac Mail, and so far as I can tell, I've done so, but still no incoming mail. I know that offhand it sounds like an Outlook Express account settings problem, but am not sure.

    Would appreciate some suggestions...

  2. rpetges

    rpetges Member

    The POP3 protocol normally deletes incoming mail from your ail server once downloaded to your mailbox. So, if your Apple Mail application is the first one to check for new mail, the second one wouldn't find anything.

    To resolve this issue, set the option in ALL your mail programs to leave a copy of your mail on the server.

    In Apple Mail -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Advances -> Uncheck "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message"

    Remember to do the same thing in Outlook !

  3. Phg1938

    Phg1938 Bit poster

    Romain -

    Thanks for your reply...Sorry its taken me so long to get back to you. I already had my mail server set to retain messages until I manually deleted them (both with Mac Mail on the Mac side, and with Outlook Express on the Windoze side). Thanks for the nice try, but sorry, no cigar. LOL

    I'm thinking some settings might be messed up in Parallels, and am thinkinbg about doing a complete re-install, but for the moment, and very involved in another matter. Once again, thanks for your reply.

  4. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    Did you try re-installing Parallels tools? That one seems to work more than not.

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