No horizontal scrolling with Mighty Mouse under XP

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by vioccc, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. vioccc

    vioccc Member


    I'm using PD build 3188 with Windows XP and a wireless mighty mouse. Everything works fine but while while vertical scrolling using the mouse scrolling thingie works, horizontal scrolling is not possible. Trying to scroll horizontally using the mighty mouse scrolling thingie results in a vertical scroll. Is there some kind of magic trick to get Windows to understand what horizontal scrolling is?
  2. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    parallels mouse driver only emulates a standard ps2 mouse. the enhanced funtions of the mighty mouse are not supported under XP yet.
  3. vioccc

    vioccc Member

    OK, thanks, I hope this is going to be fixed in some future release.

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