No Hi-speed port detected. XP>>WrkStn 2.2 >>XP

Discussion in 'Windows Guest OS Discussion' started by Fhonics, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. Fhonics

    Fhonics Bit poster

    Basically, im running Workstation 2.2 emulating windows XP; on my XP Host.

    My HP laptop is fairly new (dv9000 series) and has 4 USB hi-speed ports, though when i send a hi-speed drive to Parallels i get that "No hi-speed bubble".

    I go to the emulators device manager, but there are no Enhanced drivers installed only "Intel(R) 82801BA/BAM USB Universal Host Controller - 2442" which i think is an outdated usb 1.0 driver.

    Can someone help me figure out how to update the drivers necessary, so WrkStn 2.2 can surppot my host's Enhanced USB Buses?

    Let me know if you need more specific information.


    PS: Installed all MS latest updates and Service packs for host OS and emulator OS. I've also tried uninstalling/reinstalling the emulators OS usb drivers - which still automatically install the Intel(R) 82801BA/BAM USB drivers.

    Is there maybe a way to force parallels to use my hosts USB Enhanced drivers?


  2. Robertjm

    Robertjm Member

    I don't believe that PW2.2 recognizes USB2.0 at all, only USB1.1. At least that is my recollection.


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