No 'Bluetooth' device in my VM's devices menu

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by twynne, May 2, 2007.

  1. twynne

    twynne Hunter

    I need to connect a bluetooth device for use with an application running in my XP VM, but there is no 'bluetooth' or 'apple bluetooth' device in the devices menu that I can connect. I've tried both with bluetooth enabled and disabled in OSX, the device just doesn't appear. I've also tried restarting the VM, etc.

    The bluetooth works fine in OSX, so it's not a hardware issue.

    Can anyone suggest a way to make this appear as an available device to the VM? I've searched through a number of bluetooth threads in this forum and this specific issue doesn't appear to have occurred for anyone else.


  2. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    have you installed the windows drivers from bootcamp, then enable "Apple-wireless" in the USB menu in parallels to activate bluetooth.
  3. twynne

    twynne Hunter

    Doh - that appears to be working. I thought that device had something to do with the airport, and didn't want to go near anything that touched networking!

    Thanks for the reply!!

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