Hi, I am running Windows 2000 SP4 in Parallels Workstation 2.1 Beta 3. The host system is OS X 10.4.6. Install went fine, speed is great too. As others have reported already, Windows freezes quickly unless audio is disabled, but I don't care that much Networking (bridged) wasn't fully working out of the box though: I could ping the whole internet, but most transfers would timeout. Same problem when I tried to get something from another computer on the LAN. No problem downloading from or uploading to the host, however. I noticed that small transfers tended to work (e.g., listing files from a remote FTP server) but larger ones wouldn't (e.g., getting a file from the same FTP). Looked like a MTU thing, so I forced Win2K to use 1496 bytes (since the largest ping that went through was 1468). That fixed the issue, networking now works just as expected. I don't know whether Win2K or Parallels is to blame, anyway I just wanted to let you know.