Native MacOS from Parallels

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by GusH2, Jan 5, 2021.

  1. GusH2

    GusH2 Bit poster

    I have a dual boot MacBook Pro one boots from the onboard SSD and the other from an external SSD. The external SSD boots into a machine that I use for development while the onboard SSD boots into my machine I do other work on.

    Is there any way to run by external SSD native Mac from inside Parallels like I can with Windows?
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, could you please clarify how would you like to run your external SSD? From Parallels Desktop or you would like to connect it to your VM?
    Thank in advance and please sorry for the misunderstanding.
  3. GusH2

    GusH2 Bit poster

    I currently run a second instance of Mac OS natively form the SSD. I pick my boot drive and it runs.
    What I want to do is launch the native MacOS that is on the SSD from Parallels. The same way that I can do with a bootcamp windows session. In this configuration, I could be running natively in either partition at any time OR I could run the SSD MACOS while I am in the primary MACOS through parallels. Please note that I do not want to convert the machine to a .PVM file because then I can't run it natively.
  4. MatthiasS9

    MatthiasS9 Member

    You can create a virtual Mac in Parallels that is stored on the SSD, just set the Preferences in Parallels accordingly. The initial OS will be taken from the recovery partition of the Mac or any installation image you have. You can then configure that VM as you have configured the OS on the SSD. But I don't think it is possible to directly create a VM that is based on the config of the OS you currently have on the SSD.
  5. GusH2

    GusH2 Bit poster

    thank you. Too bad. This works for Windows.

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