My snapshots are missing and I am unable to create new ones

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by OnlineP, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. OnlineP

    OnlineP Bit poster

    I recently moved one of our virtual servers from one MacMini to another. The two computers are the exact same model but the new Mac Mini is running OS 10.9.5 so I had to upgrade to Parallels 10.1.0. I am able to launch and run the virtual machine but when I try to view it's snapshots they are all missing. If I try to create a new snapshot it acts like it's saving it but when I try to view the snapshots there are none.

    Can someone please tell me how to resolve this issue?

    I only moved a single file to the new computer "elastix_07.pvm". Does this file contain all of the snapshots?
  2. OnlineP

    OnlineP Bit poster

    Does anyone at Parallels read these forums?

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