Multiple/site licences

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Bartron, May 25, 2006.

  1. Bartron

    Bartron Bit poster


    The organisation where I work currently has around 150 or so Macs. Many of these run Virtual PC for access to Windows software.

    At the moment Parallels is the only software worth thinking about for Intel Macs and as an organisation we would like the ability to buy licenses in bulk or get a site licence allowing us to install your software on new Macs by default.

    Is there anything like this available or in the works. As it is the price is cheap anyway (AU$70 at full retail) so if it as simple as regular price x 150 then that's still ok.

    What would be really good is a 3 year license that allows any and all upgrades (1.0-> 1.1 and 1.0->2.0). Such a licence would probably be more expensive but is cheap insurance to ensure we are running the latest and greatest.

    Keep up the good work. You have left many of my felow IT guys very impressed.:)

  2. Ben @ Parallels

    Ben @ Parallels Member

    Barton -

    Email us at [email protected] and we can discuss. We'll figure out a way to help you out!


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