My setup: OSX 10.4.6, MacMini Duo, Parallels Beta 4 Here is my desired setup: two user accounts on the mac (one local, one network) and both having access to the same Parallels Windows XP installation/disk. I tried this by copying the the Parallels "disk" to Users/Shared and changed permissions so all could read / write. Crashed Parallels every time when trying to access from the second user (first user originally set Parallels up). Anyone have any ideas?
I've had great success with containing the parallels virtual drive within a sparse disk .dmg image. I use this method to locate my virtual drives to a share on my linux fileserver and it's really quite fast for booting and running on a dmg across the network. I presume that you could put the .dmg imaage in shared with no problem. Parallels thinks it is using just another volume with full locking abilities. Another thing you could try, would be to create a folder in /Users or even on the root. (messy, yes.) then set the folder with wide open privladges. Use terminal, su to root, and type "chmod -R 0777 {foldername}" Put your parallels image in there. Every user on the mac regardless of privledge, will have full access in that folder.