I used to be able to drag items from my MAC desktop to my WINDOWS desktop and all that has just changed, meaning I have to ctrl/alt to get the mouse out of the window. Does anyone know how I can revert back to my DRAG & DROP?
It seems that Parallels Tools is the issue, I have re-installed TOOLS and its working, but what I wanna know is WHY? why is it doing that. Can one of the team tell me why or is it way above my knowledge.
I feel rather silly, NO I didnt do any updates or changes to parallels but I did install a new mouse on my mac. If I log on to parallels and then plug my mouse in it asks for drivers! so I have to make sure the mouse is plugged in first and then boot up parallels. The mouse install was clearly the problem. I tried installing the mouse on the windows system too but that just did the same thing so I just make sure my mouse is plugged in first. thanks dennis
Hello Dennisthemennis, You can either use standard mouse options provided by Parallels program or use your own specific mouse options (connect a mouse as a USB device and install the corresponding drivers) but you will loose Parallels Mouse Synchronization in this case. What I propose you to do is not to connect your mouse as a USB device and use default settings. You might need to reinstall Parallels Tools. Best regards, Xenos