Hi, there. It would be appreciated if there is a feature to move/copy user-defined keyboard shortcut from an account to another. I am sharing Parallels-7 among users in one MBP. I defined a set of keyboard shortcut and name it as 'generic-windowsxp' at my account login. But it cannot found from other account login. So, it should be set again and again for each account. I am a sole administrator of my MBP and the others are just users not knowing any setup thing. <the current setup detail> Parallels directory : /share/parallels VM : Windows XP under parallels directory this VM can be launched from any account in my MBP. <guess of the cause> the keyboard shortcut is not global account setting but local account setting which is saved for each account. <proposal of new feature> option 1 : an option to make a keyboard shortcut as global option 2 : an option to make a profile of keyboard shortcut as global option 3 : an feature to export and import a keyboard shortcut. Thank you for reading this proposal.