Could we distinguish between the left and right versions of the various modifier keys in the "hot keys" preference pannel? A combination of just modifiers makes great sense when getting in and out of the full screen VM mode, but it can be a pain to have them all in one corner of the keyboard. Under an X11 desktop VM, you got even more of a challenge since you really want the 2nd and 3rd mouse clicks to deal with. It becomes way too easy to accidentally hit a combo, e.g. ctrl+alt, shift+ctrl and alt+command. I would love to be able to use something like this to get in and out of full screen mode: input-release: L-shift + R-shift full screen toggle: L-command + R-command It is extremely unlikely that you will accidentally his the same key on both sides of the keyboard. This would also let me map the mouse buttons the same way that the MacOS X11 server does.