Message: "Your version of Windows has reached the end of service." !

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by willyjp, Mar 4, 2025.

  1. willyjp

    willyjp Junior Member

    I am running a copy of Windows 11 Home in a Parallels VM on my MacBook Air with M2 chip running Sonoma 14.7.1. The only use I make of my Windows VM is to run Quicken for Windows. I've run Quicken Windows in a VM on a Mac for a number of years. This current VM was created new a couple of years ago when I purchased my current Apple laptop and had to "start over" because of the change to Apple chips. At the time, as I recall, I upgraded my VM from Windows 10 to Windows 11. I'm pretty sure I got this copy of Windows 11 Home from the Parallels Desktop website....seems like they used to have a "store" on there which I don't see now. Anyway, that's the background to my issue.

    Lately, when I run Windows Update on my VM guest OS, I get the above message to the effect that my copy of Windows has "reached its end of service." It will still perform Security (antivirus?) updates but no OS updates. There appears to be no path to the Microsoft store or any other way to just pay for an upgrade. I've read just about all the support information built into this copy of Windows 11 and the only conclusion I can reach is that there's NO PATH to upgrade my current situation, either free or paid. It appears that my only option (other than just staying the course, which I could do at least for awhile I'm sure) is to purchase somewhere a new copy of Windows 11, create a new VM and install it.

    So I have 2 questions: 1) is my conclusion just above correct, or am I missing some easier option?? 2) Given my limited use and exposure to cyberspace through the Windows platform...only downloading banking data thru Quicken's server and paying a rare occasional bill online...., does it really make any difference if I just continue on with my "reached its end of service" copy of Windows 11? Any advice/opinons greatly appreciated!

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