Mavericks Issue - Cannot open MS Office for Mac File from Windows

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by JettLag, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. JettLag

    JettLag Bit poster

    Problem description : Cannot open MS Office for Mac File from Windows. Worked fine before Mavericks. Now, when I open a file from within the Windows 7 Virtual machine, MS Office for Mac application (word, powerpoint, excel) will start, but fails to load the file and eventually shuts down with an unrecoverable error.

    I have also noticed that I have an issue when opening a MS Office for Mac file from the Mac but then try to save it to the Windows 7 Virtual Machine. I receive a sharing error which I have posted below with a screen capture.

    I suspect these two issues are related.

    I've tried other file types - text files, PDF files , mind manager files and I do not have an issue with any of them... only MS Office for Mac files.

    Anyone encountering similar issues or have a fix? I'd prefer to keep the systems separate and not use "shared profiles" (share mac user folders with windows).
  2. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    You need to enable at least shared applications to let MS Office for Mac open files from Windows VM.
  3. JettLag

    JettLag Bit poster

    Thanks... Applications are shared (of course). This is a parallels running on mavericks issue which I've duplicated on two separate machines.
  4. JohnSantininja

    JohnSantininja Bit poster

    Install or Reinstall Parallels Tools

    Try installing or reinstalling Parallels Tools. Virtual Machine-->Install Parallels Tools (or, Reinstall Parallels Tools). That's how I got Word for Mac (Mavericks) docs to open from my Windows (8.1) install. Hope that helps.
  5. JettLag

    JettLag Bit poster


    Thanks for the suggestion, but nothing seems to work. I've tried reinstalling tools as well as a full reinstall of Parallels and it works for a little while, then will stop.

    This forum and several others are littered with people having the the same issue. Is Parallels addressing this at all?
  6. johnwillsey

    johnwillsey Bit poster

    Had the same issue

    Be sure to go to your Finder Preferences, click General, then click to show your connected servers. This should make your "C" drive visible and resolve the issue.
  7. johnwillsey

    johnwillsey Bit poster

    Turns out a few days later I had the issue again and figured out why.

    Parallels/Mac OS sometimes mounts the windows Drive differently on the desktop. Sometimes It mounts just the Drive "C". In this case, i cannot open any attachments.
    Other times it mounts as "[C] vm_name". In this case I can open my attachments. quitting/rebooting parallels does not necessarily solve it.

    I found that going to the VM Configuration:
    Options Tab > Sharing > then unselecting/selecting "Mount Virtual Disks to Mac Desktop" was able to get my volume to mount correctly with the "[C] vm_name" title.

    Hopefully this lets the developers track down the root cause of the issue...

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