When running the rpm I get: [root@localhost Download]# rpm -i Parallels-2.2.2092-lin.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: libXft.so.1 is needed by Parallels-2.2.2092-lin.i386 I tried setting a link from libXft.so.1 to libXft.so.2 like there is for libXft.so.0. Didn't help.
Have you checked if you already installed all the packages with that name? You probably need the -dev version of it since they're used for compiling the modules.
Thanks for the reply... I posted too soon. All I needed to do was do a search (after registering) and I found the solution written up about a year ago: rpm -ivh Parallels-2.2.2092-lin.i386.rpm --nodeps Works great. It's chugging along loading a new OS as I write. Very nice product!
libXft dependency problem Thanks for the help, I was having the same dependency error trying to install parallels 2.2.2112 on Fedora Core 6. Now to see if I can actually get some VMs running. Cheers!