macosx guest os conflicting kernel extension

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by CurtisR, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. CurtisR

    CurtisR Bit poster

    I am trying to use a USB network adapter in a guest macosx system. I installed the appropriate drivers for the device, the device was listed in the system profiler under USB hardware, but the device never got configured. I was able to determine that the kernel extension installed for the device never loaded. I tried to use kextload to manually load the extension only to find that it depends on version 1.6.1 of IONetworkingFamily, but an error occurred siting that version 1.5 was already loaded.

    The system profiler did not show that any IONetworkingFamily extension was loaded, yet kextstat showed the same version 1.5 had already been loaded. The only kernel extension depending on it was 'com.parallels.kext.prl_eth'. Realizing that this was for the virtual ethernet driver, I shutdown the guest os, reconfigured the virtual machine to disable network adapters, and rebooted the guest os. 'prl_eth' was no longer loaded after boot, but version 1.5 of IONetworkingFamily still was. Despite the fact that there were no longer dependencies on the antiquated extension, the following error occurred when I attempted to manually unload it with kextunload:

    kextunload: unload id failed (result code 0xdc004002)

    The information I have been able to find about this error code is that objects that were instantiated with the module have not been released. I am not sure where they are allocated, but I don't think attempting to track them is a valuable use of time as they may be legitimate allocations for a currently running system.

    Has anyone else had this or a similar problem? Is anyone at Parallels aware of this issue? Is there a real solution or even a work around?

    Can someone verify the source of the older IONetworkingFamily extension? Assuming the source is a ROM based kernel extension dictation via EFI or BIOS from Parallels Desktop's virtual machine, can someone point me to where Parallels Desktop retrieves it so I may try updating it? Ultimately I am interested in getting the USB network adapter to function inside the guest os, but it troubles me that the guest os is being limited to antiquated versions where Apple should be the authority and not Parallels.

    There is another avenue I have not been able to pursue much. When upgrading the guest os, there is a step in the procedure where the virtual machine starts to boot, work is done with the gray screen, then some kind of soft reboot occurs. I am interested in what happens here because afterward was the one time the guest os's version 1.6.1 of IONetworkingFamily was actually loaded. Even though no other user based modifications were made, this affect was not persistent when using the 'Restart' menu option from within the guest os. Does anyone know what happens at this step of an update? Is there any documentation on this soft reboot?

    Thank you.

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