MacBook's wireless card not showing up

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by palatiger, May 22, 2007.

  1. palatiger

    palatiger Bit poster

    Just started up Parallels/XP on a new MacBook. Under Network Connections, no wireless card shows up. Do I have to 'install' the built-in wireless card within the Windows OS, in order for it to recognize that the machine has a built-in card? Do I have to "stop" the MacBook's wireless before trying to use that hardware from within the guest OS (which is XP)? Network Adapter 1; Shared Networking appears on the Parallels config page.
  2. wesley

    wesley Pro

    Windows running inside Parallels VM doesn't access the network hardware on your Mac directly. The network connection, be it from your MB's wireless card or ethernet port, is passed onto the virtual wired network adaptor inside the VM. Internet connection and such would obviously work, but your wireless card does not show up by design.

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