macbookpro keyboard equivalent to get to windows Run Command from Windows Key?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by jonathan_david, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. jonathan_david

    jonathan_david Hunter

  2. Julusp

    Julusp Junior Member

    CMD + R should do the trick, other option is send ctrl+alt+del to machine and select task manager, file>new task
  3. jonathan_david

    jonathan_david Hunter

    Hi. Thank you so much.

    Can I please ask you /how/ I enter these commands into the MacBook Pro?

    For instance, I assume I need to enter these while Parallels is running but the Windows 7 Virtual Machine is off? Or should the Virtual Machine be on (even though I don't see anything...) and then I enter these keystrokes?

    Also, are there any settings on the MBP that would affect this? For instance on my MBP I have little icons for turning up and down the volume on the Function Keys (F1 etc). In order to get F1 to work I have to hold down the FN key because I set it this way (to let the icons be active). I assume this has nothing to do with these keystrokes if that right?


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