MacBook Pro with MCE SP2 Doesn't work?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Lucid, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. Lucid

    Lucid Bit poster


    I have a 2gigz macbook pro and just tried running parellel today. I did the searches already but none of the solutions so far have worked. I have the XP media centre edition SP2 cd. When I insert the disk first and then run Parallel, I selected Boot on CD first. As well under Emulation I select Use CD/DVD Rom Drive. And under I can only select Default CD/DVD-ROM, and it has a check mark beside it.

    When I try it this way, it says it "Unable to open Default CD/DVD-ROM" and then the dos prompt says no boot drive available.

    Ive tried making a disk image using disk utility and then renaming it .ISO to try and read, but it doesnt work either.

    Does XP MCE SP2 not work? OR is it some other problem I have?
  2. rjgebis

    rjgebis Hunter

    One way I found to install it is this.

    Start from first CD. When it will ask you for second CD put the VM to sleep. Than eject your CD and put the second one. Than restart your VM and continue install :)
  3. DotNetGuy

    DotNetGuy Member

    Or, alternatively, make a boot DVD and then it won't ask you to switch. This is also the trick to getting MCE 2005 installed with BootCamp. :)
  4. wesley

    wesley Pro

    True. In case of the Boot-Camp-and-two-CDs problem, I remember someone getting around that by turning off the computer at the point of the 'insert second CD', and then swap the CD on the next boot. Hehe...

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