Hi-- Just got the new macbook today- installed parallels, installed windows, everything went fine. I found out that for the super cool OS switching, you need virtue desktop, so i downloaded/installed that as well. Well, that all works fine, except when I switch desktops (using virtue) into what is actually another mac os desktop running parallels full screen, it pauses a bit and goes out of full screen mode. How can I make parallels (windows) stay full screen after the desktop switch? please mac gurus, enlighten me!!!
It sticks for me - but I have another problem along these lines - if I start working in Parallels, in RC1 I can't command-tab any more to switch applications (like to another Mac app). This means that if I put it in full screen mode (in Virtue) I can't command-tab to switch to another app. I WAS able to command-tab to get to other apps in Beta 6. Allison NosillaCast at http://podfeet.com