Mac OS X as guest on Windows 7 on an iMac?

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by ZappoB, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. ZappoB

    ZappoB Bit poster

    Is it possible to run Mac OS X as a guest in Paralles under Windows 7 on an iMac with Bootcamp?

    You may ask why anyone may want this: I just need Xcode for App-developping, any other work I do is under Windows. I tried for several weeks to transfer all my programs to the Mac, but it is still "under construction" and many functions are missing.

    Nevertheless I like the iMac-hardware, therefore I want to keep it as my default PC.

    Hopefully I get some serious answers to my question.
  2. JenniferB12

    JenniferB12 Bit poster

    Can you just run it in a virtual PC within your Mac?
  3. ZappoB

    ZappoB Bit poster

    Yes I can - and I do, but there are many restrictions, as eg. no CUDA-Support for the nVidia graka, only half the size of the system RAM, problems with CTRL and shift-key in Corel (it only works, if you push first both buttons together and then release one of them), problems with the windows CAPI, so I can't use Fritz!Fax, and so on.

    Therefore I want a native Windows 7 (which is possible thanks to Bootcamp) and only want an virtualized OS X with Xcode running in it. That makes much more sense for my type of work.

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