M1 Support Abandoned?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by gVirtual, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. gVirtual

    gVirtual Junior Member

    Parallels has gone silent on M1 support. Win 11, and its TPM requirement, was clearly a curveball but since Parallels previously promised TPM support was coming, it initially seemed like we might be in good shape. But they've been silent for weeks and that silence is concerning.

    I took a bet on Parallels M1 as did a number of colleagues. We now need to either increase our confidence that this is a viable solution going forward, or we need to pivot to another strategy.

    I'm a paying customer, with licenses on two machines. I would appreciate an honest update even if that update is "We don't know if or when we'll be able to meet Windows 11's TPM requirements" and/or "We're not sure if we'll be able to work through Windows licensing for ARM requirements". In other words, if you're going to make this work, please confirm that and provide some insight into timeline. If you're not going to make this work, please confirm that, too, so we can move on.

    Thank you.
    SamS4 likes this.
  2. Gabboman

    Gabboman Junior Member

    windows 11 isn't even out. Probably it will take some time
  3. AlexeyY1

    AlexeyY1 Member

    Problem is that there are no stable Windows 10 builds working with M1. Microsoft closed Windows 10 development.
  4. gVirtual

    gVirtual Junior Member

    Thanks, Gabboman. ARM Windows in Parallels requires use of Insider builds. Those channels have now been forced upgraded to Windows 11.
    People have taken dependencies on Parallels - in fact I work with people who transitioned from Intel Macs to M1s specifically because Parallels enabled them to virtualize Windows, which they need for work.

    I'm asking for a response here from Parallels - input from the community is obviously welcomed but I think we're due an update and we can use this thread to request one.
    SamS4 likes this.
  5. gVirtual

    gVirtual Junior Member

    Response received in the form of v17. :)
    BrunoG4 and kundanno like this.
  6. JohnC68

    JohnC68 Bit poster

    So funny that people demand everything immediately without knowing how complex these issues are. And when the solution is placed before them in record time they sulk quietly away!
  7. gVirtual

    gVirtual Junior Member


    #1 - didn't sulk quietly away, responded with what was pretty clearly an attempt at humor
    #2 - you have no basis for guessing at my understanding of the complexity of the issues at play (either technical or business) and if you tried to guess at either, you'd guess wrong
    #3 - seems clear now that the weeks of silence of silence that preceded yesterday's release weren't caused by technical or licensing issues at all - it was Parallels exercising their right to include TPM support along with other features in their v17 release. that's a business decision which i did read incorrectly as technical or licensing challenges. mea culpa

    anyhow...just like parallels has the right to bundle features as they see fit, you've got the right to spend your time and energy on salty, provocative responses like the one above and i wouldn't want to stand in the way of that. so well done!

    and you can have the last word here, so please enjoy the opportunity. :)
    capjack1234 likes this.
  8. Gabboman

    Gabboman Junior Member

    I just bought the 16... big oof monent

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