Long Removed Desktop Picture Magically Re-appearing?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by bobbyt, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    I changed my desktop picture several months ago in my Windows 7 VM...

    I noticed a while back that if I let my Mac set long enough (with the VM open) when I wake it up, the old desktop picture returned.

    I changed my desktop picture back, then proceeded to delete EVERY copy of my previous desktop I could find...

    Today I left my VM open on my Mac, woke it up and sure enough my old desktop picture is BACK! I've verified that I CANNOT find ANY copies of this desktop anywhere on my system...

    Anybody know how this desktop image comes back???
  2. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    I found the issue was due to something I had done, all be it in an attempt to fix another problem...

    When in coherence mode Parallels removes the desktop picture and replaces it with a blank screen. Most likely to speed things up, but it's completely impossible to prevent.

    I would prefer the ability to disable this, as I found if I set the desktop picture to the same as my Mac Desktop (all be it with some pixels removed from the top to accommodate the menu bar), I can use Aero and it makes it appear as though the mac desktop is showing though...

    Though because Parallels takes the liberty to replace any desktop image with a blank picture, one has to MANUALLY reset the desktop picture EVERY SINGLE TIME coherence is activated... At some point in time in the past I setup a script which would automatically change back my desktop every once in a while so I wouldn't need to constantly go in and change the desktop picture BACK to what I had originally set it to...

    Upon disabling this script the desktop resetting issue disappeared (but of corse the blanking out of the desktop image when entering coherence still occurs)...

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