Login password rejected on guest MAC VM after upgrade to v16

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by ArnaudL1, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. ArnaudL1

    ArnaudL1 Bit poster

    I have been using a VM with guest MACOS for the last few months without issues. (Both MAC and guest on Mojave)
    I used it last a couple of days ago without problems, and was able to login using the password that I set originally (Simple username password at MACOS login prompt).
    I was prompted to upgrade Parallels earlier today to v16, and did so without issues.
    However, when I now launch my guest MACOS VM, it will not recognize the login user password when prompted. I am absolutely sure of the password as I did not change it in the last few months.
    Furthermore, it will not let me upgrade the parallel tools for that VM. (I click on the triangle, then say OK to the msgbox that indicates I am about to upgrade the parallel tools, but then nothing happens). I am guessing that it cannot upgrade because I am not logged in in the guest OS yet...
    This is a big problem, and I hope that there is a fix for this ASAP.
    Now that I have upgraded to 16 and my other VMs started without issues (no user password at login), and parallel tools was updated there, I am not sure that I could downgrade to 15 without other issues...
    Your input and suggestions are appreciated.
  2. ArnaudL1

    ArnaudL1 Bit poster

    To add some information, I restored a time machine of that VM and experienced the exact same issue where it will not recognize my password.
  3. ArnaudL1

    ArnaudL1 Bit poster

    Great, 2 CHAT sessions initiated, both reps looking into it, and both reps ending the chat prematurely while "looking into the issue". I hope this gets better from here.
  4. ArnaudL1

    ArnaudL1 Bit poster

    OK, since I needed to access this VM and support here has been overwelmed, I figured out the issue.
    Until v.16, using CAPS LOCK to type UPPERCASE letters did not work. (You had to press the SHIFT key for UPPERCASE).
    This also included the user login password it seems...
    It seems that under v.16 the CAPS LOCK function has been resolved and works as expected.
    So if you had a login password that (you thought) was a mix of UPPER and lower case letters, simply the password in all lowercase, and you can now login into the VM.
  5. dwmreg

    dwmreg Bit poster

    This is the problem I'm experiencing, but I haven't tried an old VM yet. Now I'm scared this might screw those up so I'm not loading them. I'll make backups ASAP. We need a down grade to 15. What a crock of BS. How can something like this getting missed in testing?
  6. ArnaudL1

    ArnaudL1 Bit poster

    I did a downgrade to v.15 in the process to access my locked VM and had no issue reopening the VM while under v.15 that I had already open while under 16.
    After I figured out the CAPS LOCK issue and reupdated to v.16, everything was fine and the password (typing in all lowercase) worked.
    I changed it afterwards under v.16 to ensure that it matched what I was expecting.
    Nothing special, just downloaded v.15 and it prompted me to replace the existing parallels install. No issues.
  7. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello guys,
    could you please let us know did you test this issue with the latest Parallels Desktop build 16.1.2?

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