locked out of windows 11

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by ParallelsU1138, May 14, 2023.

  1. ParallelsU1138

    ParallelsU1138 Bit poster

    im using parallels 17.1.6 (desktop 17 for mac) and ive been locked out of windows 11. i kept getting incorrect password error and despite entering my normal password, i was eventually locked out. i tried signing in with my microsoft account information, and im getting another incorrect password error. ive tripled checked that password and im entering it correctly. i tried this out https://kb.parallels.com/en/114193 but unfortunately its only for the pro edition. any other options i can try?
  2. ParallelsU1138

    ParallelsU1138 Bit poster

    hi peter,
    thanks for the detailed response. nothing worked, except i was able to access the recovery environment. i used the command prompt to create a new user and password, which was successful but when i restart, it is still not recognised. what i dont understand is after i start parallels, then start parallels, i *immediately* get the username or password is incorrect (i attached a screenshot). try again. i dont understand why this screen pops up without me entering and information, or even being presented with the initial screen to try and login. im not entirely sure why im asked to login anyway since ive never logged out of my user profile.

    so i ended up having to use the nuclear option and reset it completely, which worked. i restarted right away to see if there were any login issues and it asked for my pin that i created during the reset. this all means that i have to reinstall virtually everything.

    anyway at this point, i need to know if theres a way to disable the login requirement when i start up windows. unless i manually log out of it, i shouldnt need to continually do that. obv i use macos primarily, so maybe im greatly overestimating what i can do with windows, but hopefully theres a way to configure this option.

    Attached Files:

  3. Paco2

    Paco2 Bit poster

    Have the samie problem. Please advise to use the nuclear option. I'm desperate
  4. AlbertoF6

    AlbertoF6 Bit poster

    I have same problem

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