Lion installation (guest) on Mountain Lion (host)

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by PleasespecifyYourNickName, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. PleasespecifyYourNickName

    PleasespecifyYourNickName Bit poster

    I'm trying to install OS X Lion in Parallels 7 on Mountain Lion. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work as expected.
    I tried to add a new virtual machine with the Parallels Wizard, choosing "Installation of OS X Mountain Lion … using the recovery partition". After the VM is created it starts up and stays there showing the Apple logo forever. Nothing happens, even if I let it sit there for like one hour.

    Secondly, I created an USB stick using the Lion recovery assistant and tried to use this one for Lion installation within Parallels. This also did not work. Parallels does recognize the stick itself, but doesn't start the OS X installer on it.

    I then tried to re-download the Lion installer from the AppStore… but as I am already using Mountain Lion, the AppStore tells me that my OS is too new to upgrade to Lion.

    So, what can I do now? Is there a trick to re-download the Lion installer even though I'm using Lion?

    Best regards
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2012
  2. Jrh68uk

    Jrh68uk Member

    I did this today. Installed Mountain Lion and decided I'd like a VM of Lion. Went for install from recovery partition but realised it was going to do a full download and I didn't have a choice between L and ML - ML only - so, since I'd previously backed up the Lion install app AND burned the bootable image to another DVD, decided to use those.

    First thought was that the bootable DVD would work just like a Windows bootable DVD. Not so, it would seem. So, I found the disk image from the install app DVD using "show package contents" and copied that to the host. Chose "Install from DVD or image file" and selected the image .dmg. Success!

    Not sure what you can do without the previously saved install package, I'm afraid.
  3. BoyanT

    BoyanT Bit poster

    I can confirm both things - failing installation from recovery partition and form installation image. However, I am not trying to install Lion as guest, but Mountain Lion. Using latest build of Parallels Desktop 7. I have submitted a problem report.
  4. RazvanP

    RazvanP Bit poster


    I have Parallels7 last build on am ML host. I want to install a ML guest and I use the disk image from the downloaded app. the file is named InstallESD.dmg is 4.35GB.

    The VM is created and I see the apple logo for very long time and nothing else.

    Anybody an idea whats happend there ? or have I the wrong file ??


  5. RazvanP

    RazvanP Bit poster


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