Kubuntu 6.06 - parallels-linux: cannot connect to X server

Discussion in 'Parallels Workstation for Windows and Linux' started by gooseman, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. gooseman

    gooseman Bit poster

    I'm new to parallels and I'm currently using the free trial version in order to decide whether to buy the product or not. I have installed the kernel source/headers, the .deb package and ran parallels-config without any problems. However, when I try to start parallels via command line, I get the following error:

    parallels-linux: cannot connect to X server

    My host OS is Kubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake). Any help is much appreciated.
  2. gooseman

    gooseman Bit poster


    Problem solved by restarting X.

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