To fix the console, use loadkeys. For RHEL (and probably Fedora):
cd /etc/sysconfig/console
dumpkeys > default.kmap
echo "keycode 86 = backslash bar" >> default.kmap
loadkeys default.kmap
That should persist across reboots. Note that this only fixes the console. You still need to use xmodmap to fix things up under X.
Also, I'm not sure the reason for the differing keycode. To find out what the keycode is for your system, run "showkey" then press the backslash/bar key on your keyboard. showkey will say something like:
keycode 86 press
keycode 86 release
Press and release the key a few times just to make sure. It's that keycode that you want to use in the echo line. You'll have to wait 10 seconds w/o typing anything for showkey to exit.
Last edited: Apr 18, 2006