keyboard input issue

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by DavidH9, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. DavidH9

    DavidH9 Junior Member

    Having spent 2 hours with skype support from Parallels i have been left with a keyboard issue that they created. It is the kind of support i can do without!
    i have 3 input languages on my OS El capitan. UK English, Spanish and German. On the OS side they work fine. i select the keyboard i want and it works.
    if i flick back to parallels and windows 10 the input switches to German. i can select uk english but it is forced back to German.
    Be grateful for any support on rectifying this. i am using Parallels Version 11.1.2 (32408)
  2. DavidH9

    DavidH9 Junior Member

    Just an update. Reinstalling Parallels tools seems to have resolved the issue for now.
  3. Dhruba@Parallels


    Hi @DavidH9, glad that re-installing Parallels Tools resolved the issue. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
  4. DavidH9

    DavidH9 Junior Member

    Unfortunately, the issue has returned today. i do not know why. i have tried to reinstall parallel tools and this time it has not worked. A while ago i did install the German language pack but this issue has only occurred since the parallels support person was remote working on the system.
  5. DavidH9

    DavidH9 Junior Member

    i meant to say that the language windows 10 now keeps returning to is Spanish and not German. Am attaching some screen shots Screenshot 2016-01-06 12.32.40.png Screenshot 2016-01-06 12.32.51.png Screenshot 2016-01-06 12.34.12.png
  6. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    Hi David,
    this happens probably because of Parallels keyboard layout sync tool. The idea is simple: VM and Mac should have exactly the same languages configured (in your case they are different), otherwise reported behavior can be observed.
    Alternately, you can disable this tool following the article:
  7. DavidH9

    DavidH9 Junior Member

    Hi Marat
    I went through the process of installing PT's again and initially it did not work and then out of the blue it changed. Re your suggestion. I am not sure it is accurate as the language pack that was set was English with apple parallels keyboard input, so that should be identical to what was happening on OSX. Also the issue did not start when i installed the additional language pack, it was only after a parallels support person remotely worked on the system. Thanks for your help anyway.
  8. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    it has nothing to do with a language pack.
    if on the Mac side there are UK English, Spanish and German languages, then on the Windows side there should be the same. According to the screenshot, on the Windows side the languages are English UK, English US and Spanish. Delete "English US" on the Windows side and add German one.
  9. jhr

    jhr Junior Member

    Thanks for this information. I'm using keyboard with standard PC keyboard layout instead of the horrible Apple version (one thing Apple got wrong). When the synchronisation was on the VM forced the Apple layout every time I switched to guest OS and it was totally unbearable.

    In general the keyboard sync is a bad idea, or at least it works wrong way. You select the keyboard layout from host OS and guest OS adapts to the selection. Definitely not the other way around like it's done now.
    Last edited: May 24, 2016

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