JAWS screenreader crashes VM on Parallels 3.0 on MacBook Pro C2D

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Oscar Sanchez, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Oscar Sanchez

    Oscar Sanchez Bit poster


    I couldn't run JAWS at all on Windows XP with previous versions of Parallels Desktop. The problem seemed related to the GPU emulation on previous versions, since after the Windows auto-recovering JAWS barfed on having not installed something called "Video Interceipt".

    I thought that now that with PD 3.0 the GPU stuff is quite improved, the problem would be gone. But no dice, after installing JAWS and restarting the VM, I'm in the same situation as before.

    There's some discussion on why this happens at WebAIM. And some more on MacVisionaries mailing list.

    Any chances on getting this fixed?

    Edit: Just found that after the Windows auto-recovering, launching JAWS and ignoring the error message it seems to (at a glance) work.

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2007

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