January 01, 1970, 7:59:59 AM

Discussion in 'Parallels Workstation for Windows and Linux' started by afore, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. afore

    afore Member

    Can someone tell me why WinXP explorer displays the above date when selecting properties of the file on any file that is a Parallels shared folder, whether it be a windows file in a windows partition or in a Linux folder? That is all of the dates are the same on all files and is the same for date created, date modified, etc. Just opening the folder without right-clicking and selecting properties, all files have no modified date as shown on the WinXP that is running or on a samba share.

    System is WinXP SP2 Guest on Suse 10.2 on Dell Latitude D820 w/Core 2 duo processor.
  2. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    There's been problems with dates in shared folders. I believe they are a still unresolved.
  3. afore

    afore Member

    Why should it be so difficult? It works on the Mac, I just tried it.


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