is parallels right for me 2 questions

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by fabforrest, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. fabforrest

    fabforrest Member

    i will be getting a mac pro. mac addict just ran an article that said hardware virtualization on the mac pro is disabled, meaning parallels must use software virtualization. is that true? is there a timeline for correcting?

    i need to be able to match the following configuration

    Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP
    - 1500 MHz CPU
    - 512 MB RAM
    - 1,5 GB Hard Drive Space
    - GeForce 3 or Radeon Video Card with 64 MB
    - DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Card

    My experience: You should have at least such a system in order to play MAN2. If you want to play on large and xtra large maps smoothly you better have a 2400 MHZ CPU with 1GB RAM and a Geforce 4 or Radeon 9600 Video Card with 128 MB RAM.

    will parallels give me this or are the sound card and video requirements a problem?

  2. GFBurke

    GFBurke Member

    No. No 3D acceleration right now.
    BootCamp would be fine.

    I assume Parallels is trying to work on 3D exl - however, that's a tough job..
  3. peterwor

    peterwor Hunter

    There's a difference between Virtualization and hardware acceleration. Vistualization is enebled but hardware acceleration of te graphics cards is not.
    If you want to play games that are DirectX games or even mosr OpenGL games you are better off using Bootcamp instead of Parallels. PD doesn't offer graphics hardware acceleration right now, it may never.
    PD isn't going to allow you to play any real high end Windows games, whereas BC has real video drivers and will essentially give you full access to the MP hadrware.

  4. fabforrest

    fabforrest Member


    i appreciate the input

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