Installing x64 operating systems on Parallels 19?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by viola, Aug 22, 2023.

  1. viola

    viola Hunter

    It appears with the introduction of Parallels 19 Pro that some form or level of x64 support is returned insomuch that Ubuntu x64 can run and - from what I have read - other x64 Linux distributions. When I enable x64 support in 19 Pro:

    And when I try to boot an x64 operating system, I do not see any information that indicates x64 support within the BIOS:
    And I find no options to boot any operating system in such instances with the proper x64-bootable ISO attached to the VM guest.
    What's going on here?
  2. MatthewR20

    MatthewR20 Most valuable person

    Best Answer
    This feature is intended to allow the user to run x64 linux programs using rosetta inside of a custom arm64 version of ubuntu, not to run x64 operating systems.
  3. viola

    viola Hunter

    So let me kinda do an abbreviated recap here to run x64 Linux stuff:
    • Install arm64 Linux on Parallels
    • Add amd64 repositories for the distribution
    • Download and run the (seems to perhaps be limited to Ubuntu and Debian based Linux distributions; Redhat based distros may come later)
    • Be prepared for some quirky behavior and going back to the source page and or forum entry they link (
  4. DavidE7

    DavidE7 Member

    is there a reason why this doesn't work in windows 10/11?
  5. MatthewR20

    MatthewR20 Most valuable person

    Windows 11 already has built in translation to run x86 binaries in the arm version of windows.

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