Installing Parallels

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by JOMACK, Jun 5, 2007.


    JOMACK Bit poster

    I am hoping someone can help me as I am a little lost. I am attempting to install parallels desktop for mac on my macbook. Whenever I click on the Parallels-Desktop.pkg I get a message that says "file could not be opened because the specified format is not supported". Last night I was getting a different message stating something along the lines of not having the application to open the program and asking me to select one so I selected Textedit because I was clueless as to what to do.

    If anyone out there can help me I would really really appreciate it as I am computer stupid which you can probably already tell and am not sure where to go next :( .

    Thank you for your help.
  2. AlanH

    AlanH Pro

    What is the complete name of the .pkg file? Highlight it and select Get Info in the File menu. If it has .txt or some other (hidden) file name extension, that may be confusing your system.

    The installer for Parallels should be called "Install Parallels Desktop.pkg"
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2007

    JOMACK Bit poster

    The installer for Parallels should be called "Install Parallels Desktop.pkg"

    The above is what I am seeing on my system but when I click on it to install it is giving me the message I mentioned above. Any ideas how I can get it to install???
  4. AlanH

    AlanH Pro

    Do you have the application "Installer" in /Applications/Utilities/"? That's hte program that ought to handle the installer package. If it's there. try dropping the .pkg file onto it. Alternatively, when you have "Get Info" open for the .pkg file, look at the "Open with:" data. It should say "Installer". If it doesn't, is that an option in the drop-down menu? If so, select it and click "Change All..." so that in future all .pkg files will be associated with Installer.

    If you don't have Installer on your hard drive then I don't know what to suggest ... you can't get very far with system software updates or any other Mac OS software installations without it. Maybe try to track a copy down on your installation DVDs?
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2007

    JOMACK Bit poster


    I really appreciate your help. Thank you for your patience. I do not have the installer option in my applications folder so I am going to have to see if I can find a copy on the disks that came with the computer....I also notice I don't have the disk repair utility so I think maybe I am missing something...

    Thank you again for your help.

  6. AlanH

    AlanH Pro

    Do you have a Utilities folder in your /Applications/ folder at all? Maybe it's lurking in your trash can having been inadvertently moved there. The system won't try to use it if it's in the Trash.

    JOMACK Bit poster

    I have a utilities folder but there was not much in it. I went ahead today and reloaded the operating system and parallels installed easily as did the windows xp. I guess somewhere along the line I must have deleted the installer and not realized it but all is as it should be now.
    Thank you for your help. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.:eek:

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