Install Parallels/Win XP on new MBP (MacBook Pro)

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by easum, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. easum

    easum Bit poster

    HI All! I know this has been discussed before but I did several searches and could not find the appropriate Post.

    My question is: How do I install (or move) my current Parallels/Win XP to a new MBP. I'm planning on upgrading to a faster MBP very soon and of course do not want to have to buy Win XP again to get a new Activation Key. I'm afraid if I just try to install Parallels and then my old copy of Win XP on my new box it will tell me the Key has already been used. I will of course erase the Hard Drive on my old MBP before I sell it.

    Thanks for your reply or pointing me to the correct Post.
  2. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    install the main product as normal then reboot.

    on your new machine copy the Parallels dir from ~/Library from your old machine to ~/Library on your new machine.

    Start Parallels. If it doesnt autoamtically find your VM(s), then click File > Open and browse to the PVS file in ~/Library/Parallels/<your vm name>
  3. easum

    easum Bit poster

    Thank you Darkone! I appreciate the detailed steps.

    Regards, Easum
  4. Robynsjw

    Robynsjw Bit poster

    New MacBook, but transferring Boot Camp

    I have a similar issue, yet different.
    I have a user getting a new MacBook Pro and Parallels, but he has been using Boot Camp. I haven't been able to find a way to get the Boot Camp partition over to the new MBP; he also does not have room on the old MBP to make an image of the Boot Camp partition that I could just copy over. Thanks for any assistance!
  5. milesce

    milesce Member

    Boot up in safe mode -- press fn-f8 as soon as you turn the vm on. Once you boot up in safe mode, you should have access to those keys. Remove parallels tools. Reboot.

    Once you reboot, install the new version of tools.
  6. cynic

    cynic Member

    Well, in this case there's nothing much you can do...

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