Install Kali Linux error

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by GeoffreyF2, Dec 30, 2022.

  1. GeoffreyF2

    GeoffreyF2 Bit poster

    I'm getting an error installing Kali Linux. I've downloaded the iso for the latest release 2022.4, and trying to install on my Parralels 18 Pro. It basically goes into an endless loop after I start the Graphical install.
    I see that Kali Linux 2022.2 is supported, so I presume that 2022.4 has some issue that is causing this problem. Trouble is Kali Linux does not seem to have old iso's so I cannot find the 2022.2 iso to try.
    Anyone face this problem, and anyone have suggestions to overcome this?
  2. GeorgeK17

    GeorgeK17 Bit poster

    Faced a similar problem a while back. The fix was to tell Parallels that the distro your installing is Ubuntu not Kali. That doesn't affect how Kali runs. Not sure if this is your problem, but something to try.

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