If your'e using PocketMac - READ THIS

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by m1intel, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. m1intel

    m1intel Bit poster

    Hey folks - so, if you're trying to get your Blackberry to connect in the Windows VM and you have PocketMac installed, simply do the following before you start Parallels:

    In Terminal: sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/BlackberryUSB.kext

    After you exit Parallels do the following in Terminal:
    sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/BlackberryUSB.kext

    You should be good to go with USB Blackberry usage in Parallels and with PocketMac in OS X with these steps.

    Good luck.
  2. dpeck

    dpeck Bit poster

    When I try to enter the unload command I get a "failed" message in Terminal. What am I missing?

  3. m1intel

    m1intel Bit poster

    I'm not sure why it's giving you the failed...did you append sudo to the front of your statement?
  4. 8o8o8o8o

    8o8o8o8o Bit poster

    The reason he was getting a "failed" message is that the extension wasn't loaded at the time. You can get the same message by issuing the "unload" command twice in a row.

    But the bigger issue is that this doesn't seem to work at all. Was this theory or have you actually gotten your Blackberry to connect and sync to Parallels?

  5. wcg01

    wcg01 Bit poster

    Well, I ran the command and succeeded...

    kextunload: unload kext /System/Library/Extensions/BlackberryUSB.kext succeeded

    But, after restarted my VM I'm still getting my 5-10 wait message.

    Anyone else have success with this? :confused:
  6. swotam

    swotam Bit poster

    I got this working after unloading the PocketMac driver and waiting for "a while". I also connected another USB device in the meantime, not sure if that had anything to do with it. Initially, I got the error under Parallels, but about 2-3 minutes later I got connected OK.

    However, although Windows sees the device and detects it properly, I cannot get the Blackberry Desktop Manager to see the device at all.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2006

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