I had a Windows 2003 VM running that wasn't doing anything. I just started importing a CD into iTunes and my system paniced: panic.log: ********* Thu Apr 13 15:15:29 2006 panic(cpu 1 caller 0x0019CAEF): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 1, Type 14=page fault), registers: CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x259c6000, CR3: 0x00ced000, CR4: 0x000026a0 EAX: 0xeeeeeeee, EBX: 0xfffffff4, ECX: 0x07fff348, EDX: 0xcfb171f6 ESP: 0x259c6000, EBP: 0x13bebb28, ESI: 0x259c5ffe, EDI: 0x56a167c0 EFL: 0x00010207, EIP: 0x008132f7, CS: 0x00000014, DS: 0x13be001c Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack) 0x13beb8d8 : 0x128b5e (0x3bbeb8 0x13beb8fc 0x131bbc 0x0) 0x13beb918 : 0x19caef (0x3c1340 0x1 0xe 0x3c10f8) 0x13beb9c8 : 0x197b53 (0x13beb9dc 0x13bebb28 0x8132f7 0x190048) 0x13beb9d4 : 0x8132f7 (0x190048 0x44001c 0xee6001c 0x13be001c) 0x13bebb28 : 0x813ce6 (0x259ac800 0xbe 0x4 0x1) 0x13bebba8 : 0x813da3 (0x4 0x13bebbcc 0x13bebbc8 0x0) 0x13bebbd8 : 0x1f720f (0x393f980 0x2cd5604 0x2 0x13bebc48) 0x13bebc38 : 0x227af5 (0x2cd5604 0x2 0x259ac800 0x2d3e204) 0x13bebd78 : 0x232de5 (0x2588b700 0x0 0x0 0x2fbcf50) 0x13bebde8 : 0x3549e0 (0x2d4cf08 0x0 0x2588b700 0x2b77244) 0x13bebe88 : 0x35932e (0x2d4cf08 0x2b77244 0x33eef80 0x2588b700) 0x13bebee8 : 0x3596db (0x33eef80 0x0 0x2899768 0xa2) 0x13bebf78 : 0x36d8e4 (0x293f1f4 0x2899724 0x2899768 0x0) 0x13bebfd8 : 0x197e7e (0x2c44b68 0x2c44b68 0x13beb9dc 0x13beb94c) No mapping exists for frame pointer Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xbffff1d8 Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies): com.parallels.kext.Pvsnet(2.1)@0x811000 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 8.6.1: Tue Mar 7 16:55:45 PST 2006; root:xnu-792.9.22.obj~1/RELEASE_I386 *********
I just saw that same one today. I found a panic on my iMac when I came back from lunch. I had a Windows VPN connection active in XP with Outlook open at the time.