Identifying Windows applications in TotalSpaces

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by simonmason, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. simonmason

    simonmason Member

    I am trying out TotalSpaces for desktop management. It has a nice feature that allows me to pin certain apps to certain desktops so that they open in that space. Unfortunately I cannot (currently) do this with Windows apps. I see that someone has asked this question in a TotalSpaces forum and received a generic response that implies that it cannot be done. So I thought I would post here? I know that I can identify windows apps and pin them to my dock. So I was wondering if there is a way to have them show up in the MAC OS so that I could identify them in TotalSpaces? When identifying apps in TotalSpaces it opens up a file browser and allows you to select the apps from the Applications folder (or any other folder). Specifically I would like to "pin" a bunch of windows apps to one space/desktop and then have it switch to that when using these apps. Thanks.
  2. Looran@Parallels

    Looran@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi simonmason,

    Sharing Windows application with Mac with also create a folder with Windows applications on it.

    Please follow this article for information:

    Parallels Desktop has two folders where it stores appliaction links:

    '/Users/username/Library/Parallels/Application Menus'...

    after that goes name for virtual machine (or in some cases its GUID). This folder stores application link representations in the Dock and is used only when to-Dock sharing is enabled.

    '/Users/username/Applications (Parallels)'...

    after that goes name for virtual machine (or in some cases its GUID). This folder contains actual links to applications in Windows.

    More information available here:

    Hope this information was helpful!

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