I think I understand but........

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by rag1247, May 5, 2007.

  1. rag1247

    rag1247 Bit poster

    I'm a new apple user with a macbk pro 17"

    very happy with apple and have installed xp pro using parallels

    also have installed windows programs by sony for their new hd camcorders (avchd) and ulead studio 11 (which supports avchd video)

    however, I cannot view the hd video from the camcorder (hrs-sr1) using either sony's program or the ulead studio 11 plus.

    Is this because these programs might require directx which is not yet available with parallels??

    thanks for the help
  2. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    Do you know for a fact that DirectX is not supported in Parallels?
  3. rag1247

    rag1247 Bit poster


    I thought I had read somewhere that parallels doesnt support directx but will in upcoming versions
  4. websyndicate

    websyndicate Hunter

    if your dealing with hd video why dont you use final cut. I wouldnt even attempt parallels for that better off with boot camp if you want to use windows.
  5. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    I thought about the Sony issue and nearly got a Sony Vaio notebook

    but got the macbook pro too

    I blue tooth my sony image files onto the mac from the the videophone

    Once on the mac any file in a a shared folder can be used from WinXP by the relevant software

    basically keep all your files on the macintosh

    and if an image goes bad nothing is lost

    Hugh W
  6. unused_user_name

    unused_user_name Pro

    This is because Parallels emulated video card does not support something called a video overlay.

    I've played with it a bit, and although Parallels has not admitted it, nothing that uses an overlay seems to work. I would use the Sony software in Parallels to get the video out of the camcorder, then use something on the OSX side to edit it.

    Also, please do not use blue text on white background... it is really hard to read. :(
  7. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    It's true, and you've answered your own question. If you need only limited DirectX support, like 8.x, then perhaps VMWare's Fusion product will get you where you need to be. If you need full 3D support then use Boot Camp from Apple. Fusion is an alternative to Parallels. Or you can hold your water waiting for Parallels to bring DirectX on line. I can't imagine that full 3D support will ever be a possibility for OS X vm's unless you have more than 2 cores and they figure out how to dedicate one to emulating hardware acceleration.

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