How to remove listed virtual sessions

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by jamiedaniel, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. jamiedaniel

    jamiedaniel Member

    Ok here is what I have.

    I have several sessions that I have opened from a few external Hard Drives and other locations. I don't want to delete them using the DELETE function in Parallels, but I do want to remove them from the view when Parallels asks you to open a MRU (Most recently Used list)

    Is there a property file, or other configuration location that I can hack / edit to remove previously opened sessions from my view.

    ** Note ** If I unplug the drives they disappear, but when I re-attach the ExHDD they show up again.

  2. jamiedaniel

    jamiedaniel Member

    Ok I figured this out. There is a hidden directory in /Users/[username]/Documents called .parallels-vm-directory that has Symlinks to the locations of the Parallels appliances that you have created etc. If you remove the SymLink to the ones you do not wish remembered -- then you're good to go.

    By the same token. If you have lost all your Parallel's appliances and you want to have a default one show up, just add a symlink to the location there and proceed.

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2007

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