I'm using a MacBook Pro, Parallels RC, and an external BlueTooth Apple keyboard. However, the numeric keypad on the external BT keyboard doesn't enter numbers unless numlock *on the macbook keyboard* is activated. Mac apps of course do not require numlock in order to use the numeric keypad for the external KB. Any suggestions?
NumLock I was in the same boat. I found this little program was a suitable workaround to the problem: http://www.rjlsoftware.com/software/utility/numlock/ Double-click numlock.exe and numlock is on.
If you have a Mac keyboard, click on the "clear" key, that' it. I also have a wireless, bluetooth, Mac keyboard on my mini.
num-lock and keypad problems - macbook pro & apple bluetooth keyboard I have the same problem at work on my bosses new macbook pro and an apple bluetooth keyboard. i have downloaded the numlock.exe file and still can not use the numeric keypad. i have tried using the 'clear' button to no avail. Even with the num-lock switch on, on the macbook pro itself. help! ta. Matt
found the cause!! the problem was that i had 'mouse keys' enabled from the universal access user preferences panel. who would have thunk it? phew.