Moved from "How to" I have Parallels booting my Boot Camp partition but once booted, my software RAID 0 drive is not showing up in XP. I have 3 of my SATA drives configured in XP as a RAID 0 device. OSX just sees these drives as unformatted devices. What do I need to configure in Parallels to get XP under Boot Camp under Parallels to see the RAID 0 drive?
are you saying boot camp works on a raid 0? I tried every way I could think of (heard there was a workaround involving removing drives), but gave up on boot camp, because parallels worked so well, even on raid 0. Since for me XP is "legacy", meaning I will keep it probably forever, but will not expand its use, going instead to the mac, and all my programs worked very well in Parallels, I just eliminated bootcamp. If you got boot camp to set up the XP partition, please tell me how. Usually it tries to pick one of the raid drives as the "C", and you can't change that. Thanks
How to get Bootcamp partition wth SW RAID 0 working I have SW RAID 0 working in bootcamp with XP by having my C drive simply be a standard bootcamp partition on my main Mac Boot drive (drive 0), then I use XP's disk manager to create dynamic partitions out of all available space on drives 1,2 and 3. I then join them together as a software RAID 0 in the disk manager. OSX does not understand these drives so asks what to do with them when it boots. This setup works great in bootcamp but Parallels just ignores drives 1,2 and 3 so that entire RAID 0 drive is missing when the bootcamp partition is running in parallels.