Here is how I managed to get the files on my MacOS Desktop to automatically appear on WIndows Desktop, the files in documents in the right place and so on. I also use Bonjour to make sure that it works in different network settings e.g. at work or at home. Here is how I made it in short (I'll make it more specific if I have time): 1: Activate windows file-sharing on the mac 2: Make sure PW is activated for the same network connection as the mac e.g. wireless 3: Install Apples bonjour tools in Windows 4: Map network drive and specify the Mac Bonjour name and share e.g. \\MacBookPro.local\Username to e.g. Z: If your username and password is not exactly the same in both environments you will need to a: make sure that the windows user has a password (not default strangely enough) and b: specify what user the windows should authenticate as for the network mount. 5: Start regedit and edit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders Edit the value %USERPROFILE%\Desktop to Z: \Desktop and repeat for Documents and Pictures 6: Log out and log in again and all files should be appearing in the right places. Good luck!
awesome dude, this is exactly the functionality i was looking for. this combined with the added sound functionality of beta3 have made parallels better than ever. although finding and tweaking the password and permission settings was a bit of a chore for someone like myself who isnt very familiar with osx yet. but one i finished tweaking the settings in osx, finishing all the settings in windows was a breeze and everything i need syncs between host and guest OS's automatically