How much better will video get?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by garyswindell, Apr 14, 2006.

  1. garyswindell

    garyswindell Junior Member

    Question for Parallels....

    How much better can the video driver get? In the release notes for beta 3 slow video is noted as a known problem. I think everyone would like to know what a realistic target is for improvement in this area. For normal applications things seem fine now but where are we trying to take this?
  2. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    We are working on this issue and it will become better in GA. But I can't give you estimations on how much better it will become right now.
  3. Scott Willsey

    Scott Willsey Hunter

    Personally I think in beta 3 it already has become much better than in beta 2 or first beta. It's no longer jerky and unresponsive to me, which is important of the type of work I'll be doing just in order to stand working in it.
  4. DaveGee

    DaveGee Bit poster

    I'm not sure if you're trying to gently ask if the Parallels environment would ever be up to the task of supporting 3D video acceleration (aka - will it run modern games)... I'd think the safe answer to that would be 'no'.

    Okay maybe 'ever' is too strong a word... but for all the future 2.x releases at least, I'm right. :)

  5. wesley

    wesley Pro

    2D acceleration that works well to the point that a full-screen 60fps high-motion HD video doesn't look slow would be about the point I would say 'ideal'. So far, in beta3 I can play back a 640x480 DivX video in its own size and get the feel of about 10~15fps. The menu tearing when moving mouse rapidly is fixed, btw.
  6. garyswindell

    garyswindell Junior Member

    No, I specifically exlude games. It seems silly to even attempt something like that. Although native video support has been mentioned in the past and that would be pretty amazing to see...

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