I believe there is no possibilty to use the airport connection for internet connection. Seems like you need to connect an ethernet cable to the ethernet port, but I could be wrong. I haven't been able to configure to connect to the net via airport so far...
Bridged network on wifi interface I have an XP virtual machine with the network port bridged onto my airport interface on a WEP encrypted network. Doesn't seem to work. Do I need to somehow configure the WEP key with in the VM as well? Is there a firewall rule on the OS X side of things that needs to be configured? Anyone have a configuration like this working? Thanks-
I have XP pro installed and connected by bridged network through my airport. I just had to shutdown the guest and switch the network binding in the virtual NIC from en0 to en1. I am using WEP as well. Everything is configured in OS X and XP is configured to use DHCP.
Thanks. Could you put that into layman's english, or be more specific than "everything is configured" and using "dhcp" ? thanks
He means you don't have to do anything. For network adapter options, under Bridged Ethernet (which should be checked), select en1 and check "wi-fi adapter". It will bridge the airport express on the mac to the VM's ethernet adapter.
Works fine for me on my MacBookPro. I just tell it to use en1 for my bridged ethernet & Windows doesn't even have to know that it's wireless - it just sees it as a LAN connection. I've also tried moving a VM between my MacBookPro and my iMac and as long as I change the ethernet to en0 on the iMac it works flawlessly on both machines.
I still have trouble connecting wirelessly. I changed to en1 and then restarted the VM, but still no internet connection. Hm.