How do I remove a Windows desktop shortcut from Mac Desktop?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Beermati, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Beermati

    Beermati Member

    Hi - I added a shortcut to the Windows desktop and the Windows Start menu, so that I can quickly run the Windows program via the Coherence Mode icon off the Mac Task Bar. The shortcut was added to my Mac Desktop as "Shortcut.lnk". No other Windows Desktop icon shows on my Mac Desktop. How can I remove the icon from my Mac Desktop without removing it from Launchpad? Thanks!
  2. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    If I understood your question correctly...

    Move the shortcut from your desktop to your user profile on the mac under applications (not your main applications).

    Easier way, open finder then press CMD+G and type ~/applications. Copy it there. If you don't have an applications folder, create one.

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