How do I connect VM to new Mac (for file sharing)?

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by ChrisR10, Feb 21, 2018.

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  1. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    Apologies for starting a new thread with this, but despite 36 views no-one has offered an opinion on the other one.

    On my old Mac I had a Snow Leopard Server VM running in Parallels 10 under Mavericks. It not only ran, but connected with the host Mac so I could share files.

    On my new Mac (almost identical) the VM runs ok but despite recognising the name of the Mac in the sidebar, won't connect. When I try it throws up a window asking for a username and password but I have no idea what this is specifically asking for.

    Other times it throws up a regular error telling me the old Mac is not available and therefore connection fails.

    How do I resolve this?
  2. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    I have partly resolved this.

    First I launched iTunes on the host and then Add to Library... I navigated to the VM and entered its sharing name (slsmac) and password, and found I was able to access music on the VM and import it to iTunes on the host.

    Then I went back to the VM and tried to connect to the host once again. This time I used my main user account name on the host and password, and it connected. However, only to that user (and external drives and the Shared user folder), but not to other user accounts on the host. However, this is a workaround that will do for now, until someone here proves knowledgeable enough to advise me on what the general procedure is for connecting a VM to a new host machine.
  3. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    Further note - I have to input a username and password each time I connect to or from the VM. This wasn't the case on the previous computer, where the (same) VM was permanently connected to the entirety of the main computer.
  4. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    Any ideas? Anyone? (Is there anyone actually here???)
  5. ChrisR10

    ChrisR10 Member

    Jesus. What the f*** do you have to do to get any notice around here? IS THIS POST INVISIBLE OR WHAT?

    It cannot be a rare event - in fact it must be VERY common - for someone to get a new Mac and migrate their VM across from their old Mac. So why can't I connect every time? Where are all the Parallels staff or experts? WHY AM I BEING IGNORED????????????????????
  6. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

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